My plans for the upcoming indoor season: None.
Alright, that’s not exactly true, I just don’t plan on competing indoors this year; at least not in the triple jump. For whatever reason indoor track and field has never been for me. Perhaps it’s because of when the season takes place in relation to where I typically am in my training but I’ve just never been able to get excited for indoor athletics, let alone jump far indoors. For a while now, I’ve noticed that a number of athletes forgo indoors altogether, opting to train and prepare for the outdoor season instead and for once I’ll get to do the same (granted, I didn’t compete indoors while I was at Texas in 2007 since I only had an outdoor season of collegiate eligibility available).
So I don’t play on doing “nothing” per se, I just don’t plan on triple jumping in an indoor competition this year. My training has been and will continue to be at a level it’s never been before through indoors and beyond, so that’s “something.” I may even run a 60 meter dash or two this year but either way, one thing’s for certain: I will be ready come summer.